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Switching between reference adalimumab and biosimilars in chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: A systematic literature review

A Review of the Totality of Evidence Supporting the Development of the First Adalimumab Biosimilar ABP 501

Review of Biosimilar Trials and Data on Adalimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Immunogenicity of Biosimilars for Rheumatic Diseases, Plaque Psoriasis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Review from Clinical Trials and Regulatory Documents

A bio-what? Medical companions’ perceptions towards biosimilars and information needs in rheumatology

Biosimilars Are Here: A Hospital Pharmacist’s Guide to Educating Health Care Professionals on Biosimilars

Evaluation of Biosimilars for Formulary Inclusion: Factors for Consideration by P&T Committees

Biosimilars: Considerations for Payers

Projected US Savings From Biosimilars, 2021-2025

Biosimilar Basics for Patients